On Rishi Kapoor’s 72nd birth anniversary, his daughter and jewellery designer Riddhima Kapoor remembered her late father. She wished that Rishi was still around to celebrate the special occasion with his two granddaughters – Riddhima’s 13-year-old daughter Samara and her brother Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s one-year-old daughter Raha Kapoor. (Also Read: Raha Kapoor naps in mom Alia Bhatt’s arms as she arrives in Mumbai after wrapping up Alpha shoot. Watch)
Riddhima remembers Rishi
Riddhima took to her Instagram Stories on Wednesday and shared an old picture of her father’s birthday. Rishi, looking dapper in a black T-shirt, is seated at the edge of the dining table, about to cut a homemade birthday cake. Colourful balloons with ‘Happy birthday’ signs can also be seen in the background. Samara sits in Rishi’s lap as she looks forward to getting a bite of the birthday cake.
Riddhima wrote along with the picture, “Happy birthday Papa (red heart emoji). How I wish you were here celebrating your special day with both your granddaughters. Your ‘bandari’ Sam is all grown up and baby Raha is the cutest – she is a mini You. Papa I will always cherish the memories we got to share. We miss you so much, and our love for you only deepens with every passing day (red heart emoji).” Rishi’s wife, Neetu Kapoor, also reposted Riddhima’s wish on her Instagram Stories, along with others.
Rishi’s longtime friend and filmmaker Rakesh Roshan also remembered the late actor with a picture of him, Rishi, and veteran actor Jeetendra, all wearing black. He wrote in the caption on his Instagram handle, “Chintu Gone but never forgotten, your spirits still lives in our hearts (white heart emoji).”
About Raha Kapoor
Raha was born in November 2022, over two years after her paternal grandfather, Rishi Kapoor, died in Mumbai in April 2020. Not only Riddhima but Alia has also compared Raha to Rishi. While appearing on Koffee with Karan season 8 last year, Alia told host and mentor Karan Johar that Raha looks a lot like “Ranbir’s dad”.
While Ranbir and Alia hadn’t disclosed Raha’s face to the public till then, they did so soon after at the extended Kapoor family’s annual Christmas luncheon in Mumbai. The internet also claimed that Raha resembled Rishi Kapoor a lot. A fan even used Artificial Intelligence to come up with a picture of Rishi with Raha, which Neetu fondly reposted on her Instagram handle.
Meanwhile, Riddhima will make her screen debut in season 3 of The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives.
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