Home Punjab 12 goats charred to death in blaze at Mohali slum

12 goats charred to death in blaze at Mohali slum

12 goats charred to death in blaze at Mohali slum


At least a dozen goats and their kids were charred to death after a major fire erupted in a slum area near Bhagomajra on Landran road on Wednesday morning.

It took firefighters around two hours to bring the blaze under control. Officials said the illegal slum near Bhagomajra on Landran road in Mohali, housing migrant labourers, has around 250 shanties split into two sections. (HT Photo)
It took firefighters around two hours to bring the blaze under control. Officials said the illegal slum near Bhagomajra on Landran road in Mohali, housing migrant labourers, has around 250 shanties split into two sections. 

While there was no loss of human life, over 20 shanties were reduced to ashes.

As the flames ravaged through the densely packed shanties around 10.30 am, four LPG cylinders also blasted, sending thick plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.

It took firefighters around two hours to bring the blaze under control. Officials said the illegal slum, housing migrant labourers, has around 250 shanties split into two sections.

Assistant divisional fire officer Jaswinder Singh said four fire tenders, three from Mohali (Sectors 70, 78 and Phase 1) and one from Kharar were rushed to the scene after receiving information around 10.30 am.

Singh said initial assessment suggested the fire originated from a spark in the shanties, likely exacerbated by exposed wiring in the area.

He confirmed that four LPG cylinders exploded, but 12 more were safely relocated to a secure location.

Volunteers stepped up to help the families left shelterless, with their meagre possessions also completely ravaged in the blaze.

Mohali sub-divisional magistrate Depankar Garg, who visited the site, said as a temporary measure, the affected families’ accommodation had been arranged at a nearby religious place, where they will also be provided food.


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