Home Punjab Chandigarh admn cancels licence of another liquor bottling plant

Chandigarh admn cancels licence of another liquor bottling plant

Chandigarh admn cancels licence of another liquor bottling plant


Deputy commissioner-cum-excise and taxation commissioner Vinay Pratap Singh on Friday issued orders for the cancellation of the licence of a bottling plant, Queen Distillers & Bottlers Pvt Ltd, for violations under the Excise Act.

To curb the illegal smuggling of liquor from Chandigarh, excise taxation department would take stringent steps against defaulting licensees, said Chandigarh deputy commissioner-cum-excise and taxation commissioner Vinay Pratap Singh. (HT Photo)
To curb the illegal smuggling of liquor from Chandigarh, excise taxation department would take stringent steps against defaulting licensees, said Chandigarh deputy commissioner-cum-excise and taxation commissioner Vinay Pratap Singh. (HT Photo)

“Acting on a tip-off, inspections were carried out on various bottling plants and notices were issued to the licensees after discrepancies were found during inspections. Upon adjudicating the case after hearing the licensee, orders for licence cancellation were issued,” said Singh in a press release.

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To curb the illegal smuggling of liquor from Chandigarh, excise taxation department would take stringent steps against defaulting licensees, he added.

On Thursday, orders were issued for the cancellation of the licence of the bottling plant – Zannat Breweries, for violations under the Excise Act.


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