Home Punjab Ludhiana DEO orders round the clock monitoring of liquor vends

Ludhiana DEO orders round the clock monitoring of liquor vends

Ludhiana DEO orders round the clock monitoring of liquor vends


District election officer (DEO) Sakshi Sawhney on Sunday ordered the officials of the Punjab excise department to intensify their drive against the illicit liquor smuggling and bootlegging in the district.

Ludhiana assistant commissioner (excise) Inderjit Singh Nagpal told the DEO that a dedicated team had already been deputed for vigil on brewery in Focal Point and bottling plant in Hambran. (HT File)
Ludhiana assistant commissioner (excise) Inderjit Singh Nagpal told the DEO that a dedicated team had already been deputed for vigil on brewery in Focal Point and bottling plant in Hambran. (HT File)

Participating in a district level virtual review meeting, Sawhney said brewery, bottling plant, warehouses, godowns in the district must be put under 24X 7 CCTV monitoring to ensure that no liquor was released without proper check. She emphasised the need for round the clock monitoring of liquor vends besides checking vacant houses/plots and flats around brewery, bottling plant and other points, which could be used as potential storage points in terms of unauthorised liquor storage.

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Assistant commissioner (excise) Inderjit Singh Nagpal told the DEO that a dedicated team had already been deputed for vigil on brewery in Focal Point and bottling plant in Hambran.

She also directed the secretary, regional transport authority (RTA) to ensure that excise department and police officials are present whenever any special nakas are being set up by them.

Reiterating firm commitment for free, fair and transparent polls, Sawhney said such kind of illegal practices would be dealt with heavy hands and strict action to be taken against culprits. She further added that special nakas by transport, excise and police must be set up to check supply of alcohol, spirit and chemical, which could be used as raw material, for making liquor and ensure effective action against people found indulged in smuggling of illicit liquor.


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