Home Punjab Mohali CIA arrests man with illegal pistol

Mohali CIA arrests man with illegal pistol

Mohali CIA arrests man with illegal pistol


The CIA staff of Mohali police arrested a youth with an illegal pistol from Zirakpur.

Aditya was booked under the Arms Act at the Zirakpur police station. He was presented before a court and sent to two-day police remand. (iStock)
Aditya was booked under the Arms Act at the Zirakpur police station. He was presented before a court and sent to two-day police remand.

The arrested accused was identified as Aditya Sharma, a resident of Shivalik Vihar. He works as a DJ in Zirakpur.

The accused was arrested following a tip-off. Police said Aditya worked for absconding gangster Gursevak Singh, who was associated with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Gursevak was residing in Maxcon Society on Nagla Road and is now absconding. Aditya’s younger brother Shubham is also on the run. Aditya was booked under the Arms Act at the Zirakpur police station. He was presented before a court and sent to two-day police remand.


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