Home Punjab Over 4k security personnel to ensure peaceful polls in Mohali

Over 4k security personnel to ensure peaceful polls in Mohali

Over 4k security personnel to ensure peaceful polls in Mohali


Over 4,000 security personnel, including district police, paramilitary and reserve forces, will be deployed across the district to secure the polling stations and ensure free and fair polling, said Mohali senior superintendent of police (SSP) Sandeep Kumar Garg.

Mohali senior superintendent of police Sandeep Kumar Garg and district electoral officer-cum-deputy commissioner Aashika Jain briefing the media in Mohali on Tuesday. (HT Photo)
Mohali senior superintendent of police Sandeep Kumar Garg and district electoral officer-cum-deputy commissioner Aashika Jain briefing the media in Mohali on Tuesday. (HT Photo)

Garg, while briefing the media on security arrangements for the next 72 hours in the district on Tuesday, said, “Over 4, 000 police personnel would be deployed under advance deployment plan. Apart from that, 70 patrolling teams would remain active in the field round the clock.”

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“In addition to our police force, paramilitary forces will be deployed at the borders. We’ve also requested support from our counterparts in Ambala and Panchkula to ensure that the interstate border is sealed properly,” he added.

The SSP emphasised the importance of finalising the deployment plan before the last 48 hours of polling. “We are making every effort to deploy paramilitary forces at all polling stations,” Garg added. As many as 89 vulnerable/critical polling booths situated at 33 locations would be kept under strict vigil.

He said so far 12 crore have been recovered with the help of district administration and police teams, along with 56 weapons. District electoral officer-cum-deputy commissioner Aashika Jain said the movement of cash, drugs, liquor and precious goods would be under strict and minute monitoring.

Additionally, ASHA workers have been trained for heatwave situations. On the polling day, they will be ready with first-aid kits to assist heat stroke patients. Mapping of health facilities from polling booths have been done to ensure quick transport to the nearest facility, said Jain.


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