Home Technology Apple Wants To Take On Meta With Its Own Smart Glasses, Bring Camera Into AirPods

Apple Wants To Take On Meta With Its Own Smart Glasses, Bring Camera Into AirPods

Apple Wants To Take On Meta With Its Own Smart Glasses, Bring Camera Into AirPods


Apple has been busy making millions selling iPhones in the last few years, but the company is also keen to explore other segments, especially linked to the wearable market. The company is planning some big changes, which includes new smart glasses, something that Meta offers, and packs a camera into the AirPods for some reason.

These details come via a Bloomberg report, which says there is nothing concrete from Apple just yet, but at least it is looking at new product markets.

Apple is likely to pick Meta’s brains for its smart glasses, as the brand already has the Ray Ban smart glasses available in the market. Apple’s futuristic device is unlikely to be a barebones version of the Vision Pro, instead building a new product lineup altogether with support for AI assistant and a camera built into glasses.

But things get interesting with the next product in Apple’s plans, which is an AirPod with camera.

We’re not sure what or how Apple feels the need to have cameras inside your ear but we’re talking about a trillion dollar valued company, so it clearly feels there is a market for strange devices like these. After all, the company is going to have serious interest in AI over the next few years, so, an AirPod with a camera could just be a start of something different from the tech giant.

While we’re less sure about these AirPods, Apple has a better chance to succeed with the smart glasses now that people have already seen devices in this vein and Apple will probably serve the premium segment with a product like this.

Apple is currently busy with other matters, especially AI, which we might see a lot during the WWDC 2024 later this year. iOS 18 is expected to be one of its biggest updates in years, and the AI focus will show where the company is headed against its rivals.


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